Organisationer som hetsat mot svensk socialtjänst i FN-rapporter 2013 -18”

Glöm inte att dessa islamistiska organisationer som försörjer sig med skatte medel hetsade mot den svenska socialtjänsten i två internationella rapporter till FN 2013-2018;

List of contributors Co-ordinating committee:
Fatima Doubakil
Helena Hummasten
Rashid Musa
Zaynab Ouahabi
Mohamed Temsamani

Maimuna Abdullahi,
Tobias Hübinette

Financial contributors

Forum för lika rättigheter (Forum for Equal Rights)
Förenade Islamiska Föreningar i Sverige (United Islamic Associations in Sweden) Ibn Rushd Studieförbund (Ibn Rushd Study Association)
Islamiska Förbundet i Sverige (Islamic Association in Sweden)
Islamiska Shia Samfundet (The Islamic Shia Society)
Muslimska Kvinnoföreningen(Muslim Women’s Organization)
Muslimska Kvinnonätverket( Muslim Women’s Network)
Muslimska Mänskliga Rättighetskommittén (Muslim Human Rights Committee)
Sveriges Imamråd (Sweden’s Imam Council)
Sveriges Muslimska Råd (Muslim Council of Sweden)
Svensk Senegambisk Trossamfund (Swedish Senegambian Faith Community)
Sveriges Unga Muslimer (Sweden’s Young Muslims)


”In the Swedish Muslims in Cooperation Network’s alternative report from 2013 the issue
of the Swedish social services’ forced removal of children from their parents or
custodians was raised. As the general societal level of suspicion against Muslims as
being bad at parenting continues to prevail this is a regular and urgent issue that is often
brought up within the Swedish Muslim community and civil society.” […]

Recommendation 2: The many cases of reported negative treatment of Muslims and the
forced removal of Muslim children from their families by the Swedish social services should
be examined. The government should therefore set up an investigation carried out by a
suitable entity which would examine the prevalence of discriminatory practices within the
social services and in particular look closely at the prevalence of the removals of children
from their families and if this is done within the framework of legal certainty. (Main text: par

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